
The Figgers Foundation is proud to have partnered with Commissioner Kionne L. McGhee in announcing the creation of the McGhee Connect Program

February 09, 2023

The Figgers Foundation is proud to have partnered with Commissioner Kionne L. McGhee to create the McGhee Connect Program, which was officially announced at the Stephen P. Clark Center (SPCC) on Thursday, Feb. 9, 2023. Freddie Figgers, as the Chairman of the Figgers Foundation, was delighted to join Commissioner McGhee in this announcement and looks forward to the positive impact the program will have on the community.

The Figgers Foundation is proud to partner with Commissioner Kionne L. McGhee to create the McGhee Connect Program, which aims to provide digital resources to underserved communities. During the announcement, Commissioner McGhee emphasized the importance of uplifting communities in need, and the partnership with our foundation will help address the lack of digital access in the South Dade community. As stated by our Chairman, Freddie Figgers, the McGhee Connect Program will play a crucial role in improving the community"s circumstances by providing them with necessary digital access.

The Figgers Foundation is proud to partner with Commissioner Kionne L. McGhee to create the McGhee Connect Program that will make a significant impact in the South Dade community. The program is designed to provide essential digital resources to the most vulnerable residents, including struggling families, working-class Americans, and homeless individuals. With free internet and phone services, individuals can stay connected with their loved ones and access vital resources, ensuring their safety and well-being. Moreover, the Figgers phones used in the program have a unique feature that can track displaced individuals, enabling them to reunite with their families safely. This initiative is a game-changer, and we are honored to be part of it.

Commissioner Kionne L. McGhee has expressed his concern over the existing state of affairs where the lack of digital access has resulted in an inequitable situation based on zip codes and financial status. He considers it unacceptable and believes that providing basic access to cell phones, hotspots, or tablets is the first step towards breaking down this digital divide. The Figgers Foundation supports this initiative and is working closely with Commissioner McGhee to provide the necessary resources to underserved communities.

The objective of the McGhee Connect Program, in partnership with the Figgers Foundation, is to ensure that all Miami-Dade County residents have equal access to digital resources, regardless of their financial standing.

To obtain more information or to check if they qualify, residents may call 1 (800) 391-2803 or send an email to They can also visit

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